Points of Departure: keeping, using and reusing digital multimedia objects

Author: Lisa Cianci, 2005


The “Points of Departure” (PoD) project is exploring creative processes in working with digital multimedia objects that may have very limited life-spans or accessibility.  The archival continuum model posits the theory that preservation begins even before the point of creation of an object and continues for the life of the object – and beyond.
So how can we as creative individuals, employ some of the theories, methodologies and practices used by the archival community to develop, keep, use and reuse the content we create over an extended period of time?  PoD deals with these key issues through the development of and experimentation with an online, database-driven website system that stores, documents and displays digital multimedia objects.
PoD is exploring how that system could track the creator’s creative processes by storing content and contextual metadata as digital media objects which can be displayed and recombined in a variety of ways. The point of capture into the system is just the beginning of the journey for the object.

for more information, contact the author at lc_at_mmorphe_dot_com

This paper presented at the Vital Signs conference (http://www.vitalsigns.rmit.edu.au/index.html)

vital signs 2005
Opening (includes session 1): Evening of 7th September, 2005
Conference Dates: 8th & 9th September, 2005
Venue: The Australian Centre for the Moving Image
Federation Square, Melbourne