The Blackaeonium Project: Workspace/Keeping-Place - An Archival Continuum of Creative Practice

PhD by Research Project, Lisa Cianci, 2012

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Title Page



The Blackaeonium Project: Workspace/Keeping-Place – An Archival Continuum of Creative Practice


A thesis submitted in fulfilment of
the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy


Lisa Cianci

B.A. Fine Art
Grad. Dip. Information Management
Adv. Dip. Electronic Design & Interactive Media


School of Media and Communication
College of Design and Social Context

RMIT University

August 2012





this page produced by lisa cianci on her website
comments and queries to lisa's email address on (for humans only)
created 01/12/2011
last modified 30/07/2012



figure 1: blah blah blah

figure 2: blah blah blah